Monday, August 3, 2015

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Yes, you read that right...  After a *not terrible* weekend, I thought that maybe this 4th round of chemo was going to be a little easier on me...  Well, I was wrong...

Dane had to leave early this morning for soccer tryouts, a coach's meeting, and then CPR training...  Emma was still in Winston-Salem being completely spoiled at "Nana Camp" and Jake needed me to take him to his 1/2 day camp, "Games, Games, Games."  I woke up on an empty stomach.  I tried to get something to snack on quickly, but no luck.  I go running to the bathroom wretching.  In between gags, I call to Jake to bring me a drink from the fridge.  He is definitely freaked out.  "Mom?  Are you gonna be ok?"  Ugh.

I get Jake out the door, stop at McD's for some breakfast and drop him off at camp.  I instantly turn around and head back home.  I am still not feeling well.  I go upstairs and lay (lie?) down and try to sleep.  My head hurts.  My belly hurts.  I am NOT going to make it to my exercise class today.  I can't sleep due to complete misery, and I start to cry.  I hate this.  I hate this more than anything.  This is SO MUCH HARDER than it was 7 years ago.  My strength is crumbling.

It's time to go pick up Jake.  I stop and pick up some crackers and a drink to snack on the way.  We decide to go out to lunch, which I am hoping will help put the nausea to rest.  We come home, Jake plays Wii, and I go to grab an Ativan to help relieve the nausea.  I'm here to tell you that just opening up the pill bottle sent my stomach into overdrive and by the time I had a pill in my hand, I started wretching all over again.  I threw the pill on the counter, grabbed a drink and headed back upstairs, trying to breathe calmly.  Mind over matter, I try to tell myself...

Back in bed, and the tears start flowing again.  I just don't want to do this.  I'm pissed that I have to do this again.  I'm scared to death.  I sent Dane a text asking when he was going to be home.  I just needed him to be home.

I think that one of the reasons this is so much harder than 7 years ago, is that the last time there was a definite "schedule."  I did chemo on a Thursday, felt a little tired on Friday, slept all day Sat and Sun, and felt great on Mon.  No nausea.  This time, everything is so random.  I don't know what to expect from day to day.

I am still hopeful that the next four rounds are different.  Everyone keeps telling me that it should be easier.  I am praying for that.

Tonight as I write this, I am definitely feeling better.  I pray that tomorrow is a completely different day.

Love you guys.

P.S.  I am too tired to proofread.  If you find any errors, don't tell me.  :)


  1. Prayers for you Jenn! I pray that at your best our at your worst you feel the presence of God with you, comforting you. I
    Love you bunches! <3. Angela Streur

  2. Prayers for you Jenn! I pray that at your best our at your worst you feel the presence of God with you, comforting you. I
    Love you bunches! <3. Angela Streur

  3. Where's the pill Jenn?!?!?! It can't still be on the counter.

    Haye, need me to come hang out?

  4. Awww Girlie, I am so very sorry. Please text me or call me anytime and I will come and pick up Jake, clean house, do laundry or make dinner...well, pretty much anything you need! You have so many people who adore you and want to help...please, let us know when you want/need ANYTHING! Hope you are feeling better now.
