Thursday, August 27, 2015

Six Rounds Down, Two to Go!

Dane and I dropped the kids off at school this morning, had a nice breakfast together at Westlake, and then headed to the hospital to start chemo round #6.

We spent a few minutes talking with the doctor beforehand.  I let him know how much pain I was in the weekend after the last round.  Although he said that I exhibited "classic" symptoms, and that usually the 2nd round of Taxol is usually easier for most women, he did prescribe some pain medication for me to take for the weekend...  Honestly, just having the pain meds makes me feel better...

Again, they started me off with an infusion of Ativan and Benedryl, which basically put me into a mild coma.  Dane kept himself busy doing crosswords and watching terrible Netflix tv shows.  Apparently what he was watching today was too embarrassing to tell me about... Afterwards, we had lunch, he dropped me off at home (and I continued my coma/nap), and then went to pick up the kids at school.

Overall, though, the Taxol round was WAY easier to handle than the first four rounds... The pain was awful, but it only lasted 2 days, whereas the nausea from the earlier rounds lingered for nearly the entire two weeks...

School has been really good.  I have had a lot of fun with my students.  On the down-side though, it is either my age or the chemo that is making it super difficult to learn all their names!!  I've always been better at remembering faces than names, but this year it is ridiculous!  I think out of the 103 students I have, I know 20 names for sure...  I may need to make some masking tape name tags or something!!

Ok, I'm gonna head off to bed in a few minutes...  Love you guys!

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