Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Brand New Day

After crumbling into a thousand pieces last night, I finally got to sleep and got some much needed rest.

This morning, I got dressed for school and put on my pink wig.  The pink wig really does help my attitude and outlook.  It's pretty amazing really.  As the day went on, I realized that I was feeling more and more positive, more and more happy.  More and more like my normal self.  It was good.

After school today, I came home and made pork chops and mashed potatoes for dinner...and it was delicious.  Right now I'm sitting in the living room watching Jake play Mario Kart, while Emma finishes up her homework in the dining room.  Dane is cramming for his 10K that he's supposed to run this weekend.  Please pray that he doesn't fall down and die.  I still need him around for a while.  Besides, I still kinda like him.

Ok--I'm gonna go get ready for school tomorrow.  Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.  They're working.

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