Monday, August 10, 2015

A Whole New Woman!

So, I meant to post this a few days ago...  didn't want to keep you all worried about how I was feeling after my last post!!  Things got a little busy though, and I just didn't make the time to write a new post.  So sorry.

Last Wednesday, I was finally feeling much better, which was a good thing, because I had a bunch of Taxi-ing of kids to do...    I went to my "old sick folks" exercise class in the morning, took Emma to a friend's house, dropped Jake off at his friend's house (he was headed for a 5 day camping trip in Georgia with his friend!).  Then I had an appointment with Heather Thomas to get my pink wig cut into a more me-like style.  Those of you who have seen the pics know how much of an amazing job she did!!  For the few of you who didn't see it, here it is!
I am SO HAPPY with it!  Anyway, about an hour after I got it done, I got a phone call from Emma that she wanted to stay the night with her friend...YES!!  I called Dane and let him know that we were gonna have a date night, and that I was gonna wear my pink wig!

We started with dinner at Carrabba's, which was delicious.  At the end of the meal, the waitress asked us if we wanted dessert.  She and I had a little conversation about the caramel apple dessert and how good it looked, but that we were gonna go get ice cream later tonight...  When she left, I looked at Dane, and he had an odd look on his face.  He said, "I'm O.K."  I was confused...  "huh?"  He repeated, "I'm O.K."  I took a better look at him and realized that he was COMPLETELY DRENCHED!  "What in the world happened??"  Apparently, while the waitress and I were talking all hell broke loose, and I didn't even notice!  He said that he grabbed his glass of ice and went to toss back the last few cubes of ice into his mouth...but he wasn't paying attention and picked up the full glass of water and tossed it back onto himself.  OMG...I started laughing and could not stop.  First of all, there were still water droplets still on his goatee.  Second, there were small ice cubes still laying in the wrinkles of his shirt.  Finally, the only part of him that was dry were the sleeves of his shirt!  He was SO embarrassed, and I just could not stop laughing!  We paid the bill and Dane made a bee-line for the door.

We decided that a great way for him to dry off was to go play putt-putt.  While we were there, a teenage girl told me that she really liked my hair!  Seriously?  A teenager complimented me?  Sweet!

From there we headed out to Birkdale, to shop a little and then get some ice cream.  As we were walking through the parking lot, this cute 20-something cute guy said from across the street, "Hey!  I really like your hair!"  Seriously awesome!  After walking around Barnes and Noble for a little while, we headed out the door.  As we were leaving, a gal my age passed me and told me how much she liked my hair.  I was truly in heaven.  I have never received so many compliments from complete strangers!  Felt pretty good.

Finally, we met up with the Hutchinson family at Kilwins.  Did you all know that on Wednesdays Kilwin's has BOGO waffle cones??  Neither did I!  Super!

It was an awesome date night.

I'm feeling so much better.  My next chemo is on Thursday.  I'm hopeful that this new "cocktail" is like everyone says and doesn't cause nausea.

I will keep you all posted!  Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a perfect date night!!! LOL And good luck with the new cocktail!!
