Saturday, August 15, 2015

Where'd That Mack Truck Come From?

Wowzers.  I feel like I was run over last night.  My body aches.  My skin hurts.  I'm tired.  Yesterday I was feeling so great!  Last night I started feeling myself go downhill and I ended up going to bed around 9:30.  I tossed and turned a lot last night, and each time I moved, I could feel every muscle and every bone moving.

We all got up this morning and headed to school for Emma's orientation.  Dane had some stuff to get finished in his room, so he took Jake and I headed off to the elementary building with Emma.  She's pretty pumped about her classes this year.

I enjoyed seeing all of the moms and dads and catching up, but I'm a little exhausted from it all.  I did chat with one dad about whether or not he went to cub scouts with his son this summer or not...he said no, but that they had a great I walked away, I realized that I wasn't talking to who I thought I was talking to...  He was so kind to just go with it, but now I'm super embarrassed!  Anyway, I'm currently sitting in my classroom with the lights off and the door shut.  I'm planning on resting a little bit as soon as I'm done with this post.  The 6th grade orientation starts at 12:00, so I've got about an hour to chill.

The good news with all of this is that there has been no nausea!  I cannot tell you how happy that makes me.  Even though I am exhausted, sore, and achy, it is 1000% better than nausea!

Ok.  Gotta go rest.

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