Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Today is My Sunday

I'm gonna tell you's been a great week.  I've felt great all week, and I have gotten so much done!  My classroom is all set to go!

Tomorrow is a chemo day, and I have been dreading it for over a week now.  Last time I had so much nausea and just thinking about chemo makes me a little nauseous right now.  I know that the majority of the nausea is truly just in my head.  Unfortunately, I don't know how to turn that part of my brain off--or even re-program it.

I have, however, tried to remind myself of all the silver linings of the situation in order to keep my positive outlook...  Here they are:

1.  I haven't had to shave ALL SUMMER.  It's a pretty awesome thing, actually.
2.  I am saving money on shampoo and conditioner!  I use baby wipes to clean my head...
3.  Doing my hair takes less than a second...
4.  Tomorrow is my last round of chemo with Adrimyacin and Cytoxan (the stuff that makes me nauseous).  The next four rounds use a drug that doesn't usually cause nausea.
5.  The nausea always goes away.  There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Ok...that's good.  I will update tomorrow maybe.  As always, thanks for reading.  Love you guys!

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