Saturday, July 18, 2015

Back home in time for Round Three

We had such a fun time on vacation.  After each stop I was sad to go.  I was sad that we didn't have more time to spend.  Stupid cancer.  I guess I could (and should) look at it as at least I got to go.

So, we had to leave Michigan on Tuesday, and we arrived home around 1:30am.  The next morning, I sent Dane off with Emma to gymnastics, and I headed down to Charlotte for my echocardiogram.  Unfortunately, I sent Emma to gymnastics on the wrong day, and my echocardiogram was actually scheduled at the Huntersville hospital.  Grrr....  It all ended up ok--Emma got an extra day off to get ready for gymnastics, and I was able to get fit in at the Huntersville hospital.

Thursday I went in for my third round of chemo.  An old friend from my Lake Norman Charter days, and a fellow survivor, picked me up and took me there.  It was so good to catch up and also compare notes.  Afterwards we went out to lunch at Verde, which was quite nice, and then she took me home.

Once I got home, I honestly don't remember much...  I think I may have taken a nap.  Yep...Dane just confirmed it.  I came home and essentially passed out on the couch.  The chemo exhaustion hit me harder and faster this time.  I'm thinking that it was partially due to our crazy vacation the two weeks earlier...

I'm having some nausea again, which really sucks.  I hate that feeling.  Everyone hates that feeling.

Also, I thought that we were done with soccer when the world cup was over...  Apparently not.  What the heck is Concacaf Gold cup?

Love all of you guys.  Thanks for letting me vent.


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