Sunday, July 5, 2015

Feeling it in Philly...

Today was an awesome day as we crossed the Delaware River to check out a little history in Philadelphia.

One of the best things we have discovered in our travels the last few years (I suggest it for all with kids 12-under) is the National Parks Junior Ranger Program. At most National Parks in the United States, you can ask at the main desk for a junior ranger program.
The program gives them activities and questions to complete during the tours of the park and they receive a badge at the end if they complete a certain number of activities based on their age. With most of the historical cities in Philly being in the National Park Jurisdiction, this was a must.

After receiving our programs, we took a few gratuitous tourist photos and began our tour at the Liberty Bell. Jake was very excited about this as he learned about it in school and loves history (right up your alley Uncle Bear Trap).

 Another neat aspect of the National Park in Philadelphia is that they have trading cards for the Founding Fathers and other famous sites, people and things that deal with the U.S. Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, and rights and freedoms that we have in general. Jake and Emma thought this was incredibly cool. They were told that all you had to do to get them was find a Ranger and ask them about the trading cards- they were lied to. Every time you found a Ranger and asked about trading cards they asked you a slew of questions about United States history, the Presidents, famous documents and Philadelphia. This is were I will give a HUGE shout out to Lincoln Charter School. The amount of information that my children were able to rattle off right from the beginning was amazing. Who knew that my 4th and 1st grader knew that Jefferson was from Virginia (okay- we all know that), and James Madison was from Massachusetts (sure- why not).
I was also extremely impressed with how much they learned from the Junior Ranger Program and the amount of information that they used later to answer questions from different Rangers. In all, I think they each ended up with 20 cards or more.

After the Liberty Bell, we made a quick street side stop for hot dogs and a Philly Cheese Steak which was phenomenal and headed to Independence Hall for our assigned tour. It was such a great moment to watch the interest that our children had in our nations history and how eager and comfortable they were to volunteer answers in front of a crowd of 50 people. Emma really enjoyed seeing the actual room were the Declaration was signed along with our Constitution. I have been here before years ago, but it is just so different with your kids. We ended our time in the Independence area with a tour of the Congressional Hall, where Emma was the star of the show discussing with the Ranger how the U.S. Constitution itself was words, but the Congress showed the people that "Actions speak louder than words" when they ratified it and made it law.

From there we headed to the Benjamin Franklin Printing Press to see where he worked in the newspaper office and how the papers were pressed on an old type set printing press. It was really neat for the kids to watch the original process and we even bought a copy of the Declaration of Independence that was printed that day on the original machine.

 After all of the history lessons, it was time for a little traditional Perry Family Fun, so we headed to Franklin Square for another round of mini-golf- this time through historical buildings and locations throughout Philadelphia. As usual, dad ruled through roost with an impressive twenty stroke lead while Jake edged Emma on the final hole after she lead the entire game. She was quite irritated  with his victory dance as usual.


We really are enjoying our vacation as always, but this blog is really about Jen's strength and power as she battles cancer for the second time in 8 years. Her attitude, as always, has been tremendous. She never even let Thursday's chemo slow her down this weekend. This evening was another demonstration of the warrior that she is. We knew we would be having to shave the head at some point this trip and tonight was that night (mine has to wait as I have a gash on my head- long story- and Tony (P.A.) says I should wait). We made it fun and she handled it with laughter, tears, and love. It was particularly tough for Emma as she saw it as one of the first really physical signs of her mother's illness, but through us both talking to her and her official role as haircut photographer we got her through it.
1980's Mullet

Action Shot

Final Product- ROCK STAR!

PS-I just wanted ro give a shout out to the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team- First three time Women's World Cup Champions---- Oh my Lloyd!!!!!

PSS- I got to high-five Pope Francis- (Just for you Pam Gipson)


  1. You are so beautiful Jen! What a pretty round bald head you have!!! You got this girl!!! Fight on my sweet warrior friend!!!

  2. You are so beautiful Jen! What a pretty round bald head you have!!! You got this girl!!! Fight on my sweet warrior friend!!!

  3. That smile. That face. That heart. I'm a feiggjn sobby mess now. I was going to post about the 4th civics lessons but it got all dusty up in here

  4. Jen you look beautiful and so brave. Your summer adventure looks like a lot of fun for the entire family.
