Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Rolling in the Big Apple.....

Monday was a special day for the Perry Clan as we headed in to New York City. Emma and Jen went a couple of years ago and I went many years ago, but it was the first trip for Jake. What better way for him to start his experience then a train ride. We parked in Secacous, NJ and picked up a double decker train into the Penn Station. Jake was very excited until he realized the train was actually under the river- I probably should have kept that to myself.

 Once we exited from Penn Station by Madison Square things got a little tricky. We did not really have a plan or a quality map and we all had different things we wanted to do. Rather than sit down an get organized, we just wandered and didn't get much done the first hour and a half. We tried to go to the Empire State Building, but at over $200 for us all to go up, we decided to skip it. I want to know how that little boy in Sleepless in Seattle got to the top, because I am sure he didn't have $50. At this point we decided to head up to Time Square to find a place to eat. After going the wrong direction and getting lost, we decided to stop and eat. After checking out several trendy little joints and having Jake freak out, we ended up eating at a McDonald's. We know this is pathetic, but everyone was getting grouchy and we needed a plan.

Once we got to Time Square we were able to snap a nice family photo and take in the atmosphere until dad got in trouble. Apparently if you a crazy enough to walk around Time Square naked with a flag pattern painted on your chest, I am suppose to pay you money if I take a picture of you. She told me, "You get paid to work, so do I." I could not stop laughing. My philosophy is, if you are naked in the middle of the street, your photo is fair game. We spent a good while in the Toys R' Us watching the ferris wheel and checking out the over-priced toys I can buy in Gastonia if I really want them. However, even crazier than the Toys R' Us store was the M&M Store. You would think they were the equivalent of diamonds mined from underground. People were carrying around shopping bags with over $300 worth of junk. They even had "Will You Marry Me" M&Ms- the answer would be "NO." Emma's highlight of the day was definitely the trip to the American Girl Doll Store. She brought her doll, who has a pretty jacked up hair issue and was able to check her into the hospital, complete with gown and wheelchair (I shit you not!!!) I have no idea how much we paid for this, but she will be shipped back to our house good as new after her "treatment."

The most moving part of the day was our trip to Ground Zero and the new World Trade Center Building. It was amazing how crazy New York City was all day only to have a distinctly noticeable calm to the crowd when you reached the monument. Unfortunately, we felt the kids were not quite ready to go inside the museum, so we will have to work that out another time. The building itself is beautiful and the monument is breathtaking. I think Jen described it best we she called it a moving, but very heavy experience.

From Ground Zero, we headed down to the Battery so that we could head out and see The Statue of Liberty and Liberty Islands. This is were dad got a little crotchety. Apparently we had spent so much time wandering and shopping that we had missed the last available boat to the island. Jake was quite upset as he was looking forward to doing the Junior Rangers program and sending his teachers pictures. Fortunately, due to a late water taxi, we were able to catch the last boat that went around the harbor and took a lap around the statue. It was a nice boat ride that took us around the Brooklyn Bridge, out around the Statue of Liberty, and up to the U.S.S. Intrepid. At this point, I think we all accepted not going to the island as long as we were off our feet for a little bit.

 Once the boat docked, everyone was starving and we had a much better dinner at Ollie's Chinese Restaurant. I have to say, I was some of the best Chinese I have ever eaten and the portions were outrageous. With darkness descending on the city, and over 10 1/2 miles of walking (Fitbit verified) we decided it was time to catch our train and head home. Although we did not see half of what we had hoped it was a wonderful experience for all of us. Next time, we know the NYC is at least a two day trip, if not three (Hello App House!)

On the health forefront, Jen is doing wonderful. NYC certain wore her out and she slept a lot on the ride to Canada, but more on that with the next post!!

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