Friday, July 10, 2015

Parlez Vous Francais?.......No (Day One in Ottawa)

The day began with five small children staring at each other, unable to communicate. It is what I assume it would be like if I took the cell phones and lap tops away from my high school students and left them in a room together. As the parents sat on the porch looking at the Ottawa River and drinking coffee we tried to figure out a way to help. We quickly came to this conclusion- "Screw it! They are kids, they will figure it out." We continued with our amazing breakfast of fruits, bread, Nutella, juice etc and slowly began to hear a few sounds and giggles from the other room. We were disappointed to learn that none of them had miraculously learned another language during breakfast, but through sign language and trial and error they were getting somewhere.

After a very slow start to the day after recovering from our drive, we decided to head in to Ottawa (about a 45 minute drive from Kanata- although Kanata is still considered Ottawa). This happens to be the capitol of Canada and is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been to. Between the river, the architecture, the nature and the hustle and bustle of  city, it was truly an experience.

We began our tour of the city at on the Quebec side at the Canadian National Museum of Civilization. The artwork, and craftsmanship of the early natives was spectacular. It was interesting to see the infusion of some Asian culture in the Northwest Territories near Alaska all the way through some of the more modern contributions of popular Canada. It was also interesting to read and learn about Terry Fox in a special section of the museum. Having already lost one leg to cancer, he set out to run across Canada in an effort to raise money for cancer research in Canada. Unfortunately, he made it roughly 3,300 mile (a marathon a day) before the cancer had returned and reached his lungs forcing him to stop somewhere around Winnipeg. He later passed away before he could continue his run, but his foundation is one of the largest fund raising organizations for cancer in Canada.

Once finished with the adult portion of the museum, we entered the Children's Museum. This was one of the most amazingly interactive venues we have taken the kids in our travels. As you enter, each child gets a passport and you go from country to country learning different things about their culture and collecting stamps in your passport. Whether making dolls and puppets in southeast Asia, riding the taxis and buses in Thailand, climbing through a Pharaoh's tomb, or performing live theater the kids were having a blast. 

After all the crazy museum hopping, we decided it was time for some lunch and headed across the bridge to the Ontario side of Ottawa. We stopped for lunch as a wonderful outdoor market that is apparently famous for having sold cookies to President Obama when he was visiting Parliament. They are quite proud of this fact as they sell "Obama Cookies" and have a shrine.

 From there, it was off for a walking tour around the Parliament and through the canal locks that connect the Ottawa River to...something. The Parliament buildings were some of the most beautiful examples of architecture we have seen on our trip. We will go back Friday evening as they do a laser light show on the history and culture of Canada against the building at night. Our host tells us it is truly amazing and we can't wait. The canal locks were very interesting to walk around and through, but very hard to explain to the kids. Unfortunately, no boats came through while we were waiting so we'll have to find a Youtube video to explain.

 We finally arrived back home around 9 pm for a late dinner and more fellowship with our friends. Everyone is doing well with a few minor exceptions; 1) We are getting closer to killing off Grammy with all of the walking and touring. We are not sure if she will make it to the drop off with Aunt Liz in Ann Arbor, but quite positive she will never go on vacation with us again. 2) For those of you who are familiar with our son Jake, his time in Canada has been troublesome due to the fact that our European/Canadian friends do not do chicken nuggets and french fries for every meal. Dinners of salmon, pureed carrots, salad, fresh cheeses, fruits and vegetables are beginning to take their toll. He may need a happy meal IV on the drive to Ann Arbor.

Tomorrow is a big day at the Parc Omega animal venue outside of Ottawa. Until the next update-   Au revior!


  1. I love love love following this adventure

  2. You're making me want to visit Ottawa! I hope you keep having a great trip!
