Thursday, July 2, 2015

Chemo Round #2...and a (likely not-so-)brief announcement

Here we are at round 2.  We talked with the doc and I believe that we have a better plan in place for all the nausea I felt last time.  This is a good thing!  I can handle all of the other chemo-related stuff if I don't have to deal with nausea.

So tomorrow I have the Neulasta shot (white-blood cell booster) and then we are headed out for a whirlwind vacation!  ...and this is where the not-so-brief announcement takes place.

Beginning tomorrow, my blog will serve two purposes.  1--keeping everyone up to date on what's happening with my treatments, and 2--sharing our vacation with anyone who is interested.

For those of you who don't know, the Perry Family can make travelling by van an amazing adventure.  Our first stay will be in Haddon Township, NJ to visit my cousin and her family.   From there, we will head up to Ottawa to visit an old friend (a foreign exchange student for two summers back in high school!) who is visiting her sister who lives in Ottawa.  It has been over 14 years since I have seen her!

TIME OUT!!  Just got a visitor in the Chemo Room!!
Absolutely loved seeing Tina today!!  Haven't seen her for way too long!  So glad she stopped by!

Ok...  TIME IN!

After Ottawa, we will head to Ann Arbor, my hometown.  We will be back home in time for an Echocardiogram and then Round #3.

Dane is working on getting all of our oddball mini-stops planned out...can't wait to see what's on the docket!

So...for the next several days there will be lots of updates...  Some cancer-related, some family-fun related.  Take your pick!

Love you all!



  1. Glad I did my makeup. ;) We have waited way too long to get together. I enjoyed catching up! I can't wait to read about your adventures. Events are never dull on a Perry vacation!

  2. Can't wait. We are always looking for more adventures. Maybe I will learn something from you and follow in your footsteps (at least some of them anyway). Be safe. Have fun
