Thursday, June 18, 2015

AC Chemo #1 down, 3 ACs to go!

Ok, so first of all I should say that AC stands for Adriamycin and Cytoxan (the two chemo drugs I am currently taking).  After the amazing trip to the mountains, we returned home to realize that we weren't nearly as ready for chemo today as we thought.

Last night I realized at 11:00 pm that we had not filled the anti-nausea meds.  Bad.  Bad.  Bad.  So, Dane and I headed out to the 24-hr CVS pharmacy.  When the pharmacist asked if I had any questions, I realized that I did, in fact, have a question...  I did not know when to take the meds... Do I take them pro-actively or do I wait until I feel the tiniest bit nauseated?  He said that for chemo I should take one before bed and then another before chemo.  Ok.  Whew.  Answers.

So, we stopped at Harris Teeter, picked up a watermelon and an apple (wanted them cut up and brought with us for chemo).  Cold, cut-up fruit helps cut the metallic taste that starts in your mouth.  It also helps cut down on the possibility of mouth sores because of the coldness (although popsicles help really nicely too!!).

I didn't go to bed until around 2:00 am.  No one is surprised by that, I'm sure!

So, this morning, we go up, got dressed, and packed up some magazines, the computer, etc...  Dane's mom cut up the fruit and put it in tupperware!  Yay!  Of course, I was running a little late (5 hours of sleep is no bueno), so we got a quick breakfast at McD's.  I was wound up a little tightly and found several reasons to get really bent out of shape--I couldn't immediately find the butter, syrup, and utensils for my pancakes.  The car in front of us in the drive-thru was SO SLOW and NOT PAYING ATTENTION.  ...And at least 2 more things, but I've already blocked them out of my memory.

We were taken back almost immediately and chatted with the Nurse Practitioner.  She seriously said three words before I broke down in tears...  My God, I was just mortified, but I could not help it.  She was very kind and let me just cry.  When I was ready, she gave me a run-down of what was going to happen today.  She also asked me if I would like to have some Ativan (an anxiety med), which I thought sounded like a marvelous idea.  I mentioned to her that I had already taken the anti-nausea meds, and she explained that they now put those meds in the solution bags and you get it through the IV, so the actual pills are only an "as needed" thing.  Anyway, once my doc came in, he explained that he would have the nurses NOT put in the anti-nausea meds this time.  He told me to take another pill, and that should work as well as the IV method...

Chemo takes a long time...  First, they have to take some blood and run your numbers to be sure that certain categories are within the acceptable range.  Mine were just fine.
Then she put in the Ativan (ahhhh....)  And then they put in Decadron (a steroid) and then finally they began the Adriamycin and Cytoxan).  I took a good 45 minute nap somewhere in all of that...
We were there for about 3 1/2 -4 hours.

We ate lunch, and then headed home for a nap (ahhhh...)  Took the kids to their swim meet (they did great!) and brought our dinner from the Manion's with us to eat while we were there.

I tried to get in a small walk after we came home, but it was shortened even more than I planned to walk because of some small pop-up showers...

The day started out mostly hectic and chaotic, and tense, but it ended up much calmer and happier.  I'm enjoying an episode of Big Bang Theory and listening/watching the thunder and lightning.  Emma is at Grammy's house.  Jake and Dane are both asleep.

All is well.

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