Friday, May 15, 2015

She knows me well.....

I have to say that my wife knows me very well. I have always had a great deal of anxiety and anyone who has ever sat at a desk with me knows that I cannot sit still and will pick up and handle everything you own. In fact, my parents make me sit in the middle of the couch at their house so I don't pick things off the end tables and break them. In an effort to keep me relaxed during surgery and the days that follow my wife was kind enough to order me a special set of stress relief "balls" that I can keep with me.

The are quite fun and life-like although a little smaller than I am used to. We are both slightly ashamed of ourselves as our son Jake is fascinated by them and throws them around the house all day. It is a strange world when you sit back and realize you are playing toss in the living room with your eight year old son using a rubber boobie.

In all seriousness though, this is my first post to the blog. I just want to say how amazed I am by the power, grace and strength displayed by my wife during this entire process. Her humor compassion and concern for how it is affecting others is amazing. I am quite sure she is going to come through this with flying colors and my biggest problem will be getting her to rest and follow doctors orders as she will most definitely try to get moving sooner rather than later after surgery.

In closing I want to focus on you guys, the followers of this blog. I am overwhlemed, blessed and proud of the response from our community, our school, our former schools, our families and friends. The meal train from LCS, the house keeping from Mallard Creek, the inundation of gift cards from athletes, students, parents, etc has been unexpected and truly amazing. We wish that we could thank each of you personally and let you know how much your assistance means to use, but it is hard to keep up and many of you have given anonymously from the kindness of your heart.


“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.

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