Friday, September 18, 2015


I've written this post several times today, but I just can't get the wording right...  Don't you hate when that happens??  I'll try again.  Let's see how it goes...

So I've finished the 7th round of chemo.  It was ok, I guess.  Saturday evening and Sunday was pretty tough--again, lots of pain in my legs and ankles, and numbness in my feet and hands.  Monday morning I went to work, only to get a sub after about 10 minutes of homeroom.  I just didn't have the energy and was still pretty achy.  I went home and slept until about 1:30...and then I had to go back to the dentist for my dang tooth...part 1 of my root canal.

The dentist went well--although I was in tears for much of the 30 minutes I was there.  I was in tears not because I was in a lot of pain, but because I was truly just at the end of my rope.  I hate to whine, but it really just doesn't seem fair that I have to deal with cancer AND a root canal.  The poor hygienist felt so bad for me.  At the end of the appointment, she told me that I may be sore and that they had a prescription for pain meds if I needed it.  Guess what.  I NEEDED it!!  Wow!  Around 6 or 7 pm, my mouth was in serious pain.  So much pain, in fact, that I completely forgot about my leg pain.  Go figure.

Every day since then I have felt better and better--both my lower body AND my mouth!  My energy is continuing to improve every day.  I have 1 more week to go before my LAST chemo treatment.  I'm not sure if I've told you, but I. CANNOT WAIT. for my last treatment!  Although, really, it's more like I cannot wait to feel better AFTER my last treatment!!

As I get closer and closer to this last treatment, I need to take a minute to thank Dane for being such an amazing husband and caretaker.  Seriously, when I am not feeling up to it, he completely takes care of EVERYTHING.  In fact, if I'm being honest, he takes care of a lot even when I'm feeling just fine!

In my Cancer Survivor's group, we talked this last Thursday about caretakers and how emotionally draining and stressful it can be.  Caretakers are truly unsung heroes.  Everyone always asks about the sick one, but much less often people ask about the caretaker is doing.  I found out in my group that November is National Caretaker's month.  I had no idea that there was such a thing, but I'm so glad that there is!

So, I'm still not completely happy with this post...but it's gonna have to do.

Love you guys!

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