Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I am feeling better and better every day.  My chemo days are slowly getting farther and farther away, and that makes me so happy.  My fingers and feet are still pretty numb and tingly, but I have faith that that will slowly fade as well.

As many of you know, the October issue of Lake Norman Woman magazine came out, and although I knew I was going to be in the magazine, I had ZERO idea that I would be on the cover!!


Dane was the first to spot it on the news rack as we were leaving dinner at Casa Garcia!  It was quite a shock!!  Needless to say, Dane was on the phone with literally everyone in his contact list!  Jake and Emma thought it was pretty darn exciting.  They think I'm famous now!  I tried to tell them that I'm not really famous...and it didn't really help that I was asked by at least 15 people for an autographed copy of the magazine!  Anyway, here's a link to the magazine--I'm on page 33 for those who haven't seen the magazine yet!  http://issuu.com/lakenormanwoman/docs/october2015_lknwlowres

As a side comment, my sister said, "Jen, do you realize that you're on the cover of a magazine because of your BOOBS?"  I busted out laughing and then told her it wasn't that kind of magazine!

So today I met with my plastic surgeon to talk about the tissue expander replacement surgery.  I was very excited to hear that he thinks that he may be able to just go ahead and put in the implants.  He said he would like to try that, and if, during surgery, he doesn't think it will work, he will just replace the tissue exander as originally planned.  So for all my prayer warriors...pray for stretchy, cooperative skin!  Seriously!  I would love to have one less surgery.  I would love to basically be done with all this before the new year!!

On Thursday, I have an appointment with my oncologist.  We're going to be talking about "what's next" as well...  I have to do some sort of hormone therapy, since I am pre-menopausal, and estrogen helped "grow" my tumor.  I think he's thinking some sort of monthly injection that basically shuts my ovaries down...  Honestly, if that's the case, I almost wonder if it would just be better to remove my ovaries entirely.  So, I guess that's what we'll be talking about on Thursday.  Doesn't that sound like fun!?!

Finally, as many of you know, one of our students at our school was diagnosed with lymphoma today.  Although the prognosis is excellent, it really sucks.  My head is swirling with all kinds of emotions.  Emma and I went to visit her in the hospital today, and I have to say, that she looks amazing.  I know that she is going to be even stronger and more confident when she gets through this than she is right now.  Her family is also going to be much stronger and closer together because of this.
...and now there are two families that will be glad to see 2015 get outta here.

Well, I can't end a blog post like this...  so how about a joke?

Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent.

Ok... Now I can go to bed!  Good night all!

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