Sunday, November 1, 2015

It's been a long time...

Well, it's been awhile since I've written anything....mostly because there just hasn't been a whole lot that's happened! So, to sum up what's going on--

On November 20th, I will be going in for my reconstruction surgery.  Dr. Capizzi feels fairly confident that he can go straight to the implant on the side that had the tissue expander fail.    If he can't insert the implant, then he'll just replace the tissue expander...I am SO hoping that when I wake up from surgery that I have two new boobs!

Then, on December 1st, I will be having a hysterectomy.    After talking with my oncologist as well as my OB, we all feel like that is the right way to go.  For one, my body won't be producing any more estrogen (which is what fed the tumor both times).  Second, there will be no chance of ovarian cancer, which is also linked with breast cancer.

Hopefully, all this means that by the end of 2015, this will all be behind me.  I am truly ready to see 2015 go.

One thing I forgot about chemo and hair loss from the last time is that eyebrows and eyelashes are the last to go...  And as of last week, my eyebrows are completely gone.  My eyelashes are pretty sparse right now as well...
Now, if you look carefully, you can see little tiny wispys of hair!  So, that's kind of exciting, don't you think!

Ok--well, it's Sunday night, and the laundry is still yet to be done, and the house needs a little straightening up before the week begins!

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