Tuesday, April 28, 2015

3 Things...

I got another call from the surgeon's office today.  Surgery is still on for May 20th, but the time has changed a little...we have to arrive at 8:30, and surgery will start around 11:00 or so, and it will last for FOUR HOURS!  So my first question is, will my doc and the nurses have already eaten lunch?  What if they get hungry?  I don't want them to lose their focus if their stomach is growling!!  Is this an appropriate question to ask the doc when they wheel me into the O.R.?

I know that this is a stupid thing to be bummed about, but when I was looking at my calendar today, it hit me that I am going to miss all the fun of the last week of school!  I will miss the Powder Puff football game (always fun!), the field trip to Kate's Skate (great photo ops there!!), and the end of the year party!  Actually, I think if I'm feeling good enough, I may come by for an hour or two for the party (if Dane will let me...and drive me...)

--and that's another thing...Dane will have to drive me everywhere.  See, that's just not how we do it in my family...  I drive.  I like driving.  I hate Dane's driving.  Don't get me wrong, Dane is an amazing husband and father, but his driving makes me a little nervous (and a little ill.)

1 comment:

  1. First...they may be doing the cutting, but your the one being cut, so ask away! But politely...because after all, they are doing the cutting. Second...so not stupid. Who doesn't love the last week of school, plus Powder Puff Football rocks! And third...Dane, carefully watch Jen's driving techniques, take notes, study, then when it's time to get behind the wheel...Be The Jen!
