Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Slowly Getting Back To Normal

Well, I've pretty much gotten used to having only 1 boob.  I have only used the prosthetic a couple of times since the expander was removed.  It really just became a bit of a nuisance...sometimes I would look down, and it would have migrated out of my bra and into the middle of my chest!  Just too weird.  I also found a few tops that camouflage the missing boob quite well, so that helps.  March 11th, I will be having surgery again--this time to put the tissue expander back in.

I made an appointment with a new ob/gyn to talk about a hysterectomy or just removing my ovaries. I decided that I wasn't really comfortable with my other (and also relatively new to me) obgyn.  Do I really want a doctor who says it's ok to have a hysterectomy less than 2 weeks after reconstruction surgery?  I mean, if I hadn't told my plastic surgeon about it, I would have gone through with it, and the infection I got could have been much more of a problem.  Also, after talking with my oncologist, he said that a hysterectomy isn't necessary...just remove the ovaries.  So, with two other doctors telling me the opposite of what my obgyn was saying, I decided that it was time to find a new one...  So that appointment is at the end of this month.

In other news, I have an appointment with a GI doc...  I have a colonoscopy in my future, I believe.  Not looking forward to that!

My hair is now long enough that people are complimenting my "hair cut".  I don't correct them when they say that...I've been working hard on just saying "Thank you" when people pay me a compliment.  What this means, though, is that I feel that it is super important for me to wear a little makeup and some earrings so that I look a little feminine.  This is tricky for me because makeup and jewelry are not my strengths!

The thing is, though, that although I am definitely on the mend, and I am looking more and more like my old self, my brain is still trying to wrap itself around the fact that I'm a two-time cancer beater.  It scares me.  I think about it every day, without fail.  I worry about the future, even though my doctors have given me no inclination that I should be worried.  Once you have had cancer, you never are able to completely get past it.  Cancer has changed me...both times I had it.  Ever since my first diagnosis on January 3, 2008, thoughts about cancer enter my mind.  It makes me a little crazy sometimes.  So, even though I look like I'm past the whole cancer experience, just know that I'm not, and I'll likely never completely be past it.

One thing that I've been doing lately, compliments of my Christmas present from Dane, is reviving my pottery hobby!  I am taking classes at Pottery Central in Charlotte, and I am absolutely loving it!  So far I have made 10 pretty nice pots, 5 of which have been glazed and should go back into the kiln this week!  I am truly loving it, and I look forward to my Wednesday nights every week!  I'll post some pictures when they come out!

Thanks for listening, and truly being there for me and my family.  You all make it so much better!  

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Happy New Year! ...better late than never!

Well, it's been a long time, huh?  I've got a lot of updating to do...  Many of you who know me already know what's happened, but this blog is also a way for me to document my "journey" --which is a word I HATE to use to describe my last year, but oh well..

So my last blog entry was the day before my surgery, in which one tissue expander was going to be replaced with the implant, and the other one was going to be replaced with a working one.  So the surgery went great.  I felt great afterwards, and it was nice to have two boobs again, even though one of them (the tissue expander one) was a little odd-shaped.  Underneath clothing, it looked just fine.  A bit of normalcy!!  and then...what could go wrong, did.

On December 5th, the kids were both in the Denver Christmas Parade...a big event around here.  So, since Dane couldn't go (he was at a wedding in Raleigh), my mom and I went.  It was a cold, but clear day.  We drank hot chocolate and watched the parade while we were all bundled up.  The parade was great, but it took FOREVER to pick up the kids afterwards.  Once we had the kids, we went home and got ready for Jake's first game at Strikers.

Thankfully the game was only about 45 minutes, because it was REALLY cold out!!  I couldn't stop shivering!  When we got home, I laid down.  I still could not get warm, even after changing into my comfy PJs and laying underneath the down comforter.  After about an hour, I took my temperature, and it was over 100F.  Huh...  weird.

The next day I still had a fever, but it got up to 102.9F.  Dane got a sub for me for the next day.  On Monday, I contacted my plastic surgeon.  He didn't think that the fever was due to the expander, but since I had an appointment the next day anyway (1 week follow-up), he would see me then.  I slept for most of the day.  There is one upside to having a fever right now...NO HOT FLASHES!  It was strangely nice trying to get warm, instead of trying to get cool!

Later that evening, once Dane got home, I noticed something not good...  The fluid that was coming out of one of my drains was no longer clear...  it was now brown and cloudy.  Also, my left side (with the tissue expander) was bright red and swollen.  Not good, not good, not good...

We called the plastic surgeon again and he sent in a prescription for some antibiotics.

The next day, at my appointment, we made the decision to remove the tissue expander.  It was infected and needed to come out.  Bummer.  So, I was going to have surgery again later that week. forward...  I have decided to postpone the hysterectomy for now.  Originally I had rescheduled it for December 29th, but after the unplanned surgery, I just really felt I needed a break!!
I don't remember if my last post mentioned that the genetic results came back, and that I have a gene mutation that is likely the cause of the two cancers.  Anyway, it also can increase your chances of colon cancer as well, so last week I made an appointment with my regular doctor to talk about getting a colonoscopy.  Fun!   I also talked to her about {GROSS ALERT:  DON'T READ ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON'T CARE FOR "POTTY TALK"} my poo.  It's changed a bit, lately.  In, fact, it's a little mucus-y.  So, guess what.  Today, I got to take a poo sample and put it into little bottles.  I have one bottle that is supposed to be kept refrigerated, so it's in my classroom fridge.  The other two bottles are in a bag in my backpack.  I will be delivering them to the doc later today...{GROSS ALERT OVER.  YOU MAY NOW CONTINUE READING}

So today after school I have an appointment with Dr. Kuo, my oncologist.  I'll update you all about that appointment later!

I'm feeling really great.  The whole Perry family is working on getting more fit and active, which is wonderful.  I'm hoping to lose 20 - 30 pounds by mid-June...I just need to stay away from all the snacks and sweets...

My hair is growing in, which is good and bad.  It's nice to have hair again...especially in the winter when it's chilly!!  It's bad because I have to start shaving again.  Such a bummer.  My eyelashes and eyebrows are back, although my brows have a few areas where they are a little wild...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

There's just a lot going on...

So, after finishing up with chemo, as well as the exercise re-hab program, things finally calmed down a little.  For about 2 weeks.  Now, with 2 surgeries coming up withing 2 weeks, things are starting to get hectic again.

Tomorrow at noon I will be getting my new and improved boobs.  The nurse I saw at my pre-op appointment wanted me to know that with reconstruction, sometimes the boobs won't be perfectly symmetrical.  Well honestly, my boobs have been anything BUT symmetrical for the last 8 years, so this will definitely be a major improvement in that area!!

The reconstruction is an outpatient procedure, so I should be home by dinner, and by then I'll be STARVING since I can't eat after 10 pm tonight!

The biggest piece of news I have, though, is kind of a toughie.  On Tuesday, I received a call from my genetic counselor to tell me that although I don't have the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, I do have the Chek2 gene mutation.  According to the Myriad website (the lab that did the testing), "Women with mutations in the CHEK2 gene have an increased risk for breast cancer, sometimes at relatively young ages."
The really freaky part, though, is when it goes on to say, "A woman who has a CHEK2 mutation, and who has already had breast cancer, has a high risk of developing a second breast cancer within the next 5 to 25 years."
The Chek2 gene may also increase my risk for colon cancer as well, although there have not been enough studies done.  Still, I'm planning on talking to my doc about getting a colonoscopy done sooner, rather than later!

The gene news wasn't the best news, but honestly, the fact that it answers the question about why I got it twice gives me an odd sort of peace.  It's good information to have, though, because now I can go forward with an actual plan.  Having the gene doesn't mean that I WILL get another kind of just means my chances are a little higher than some other people.  It does, however, give me a little more knowledge about my body than other people may have about their own, and maybe that will help me in the future.  Knowledge is power, after all.

And now, some sad news.  About a month ago, I made meatballs (this is not the sad part) for dinner.  I took off my wedding ring because I needed to mush up the ground beef and other ingredients and didn't want to get my ring all gross (My engagement ring was not on my finger because my fingers were all swollen from all the steroids I was taking at the time).  I didn't put my ring back on that evening.  The next day, I looked for it on the counter, and I didn't see it.  I looked all around the kitchen.  I searched and searched.  Over the last few weeks, I have just prayed that it would turn up in the laundry, or it would show up in the "junk drawer" or something...but no luck.  So, I am bummed.  On the positive side, though, my fingers are no longer swollen, so my engagement ring fits again!

So, I can't end on a sad note...  so, here's some great news!  My hair is really starting to grow! ...and my eyebrows are coming back!!  Here's proof:

Ok--wish me luck tomorrow!!  I'll report back soon!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

It's been a long time...

Well, it's been awhile since I've written anything....mostly because there just hasn't been a whole lot that's happened! So, to sum up what's going on--

On November 20th, I will be going in for my reconstruction surgery.  Dr. Capizzi feels fairly confident that he can go straight to the implant on the side that had the tissue expander fail.    If he can't insert the implant, then he'll just replace the tissue expander...I am SO hoping that when I wake up from surgery that I have two new boobs!

Then, on December 1st, I will be having a hysterectomy.    After talking with my oncologist as well as my OB, we all feel like that is the right way to go.  For one, my body won't be producing any more estrogen (which is what fed the tumor both times).  Second, there will be no chance of ovarian cancer, which is also linked with breast cancer.

Hopefully, all this means that by the end of 2015, this will all be behind me.  I am truly ready to see 2015 go.

One thing I forgot about chemo and hair loss from the last time is that eyebrows and eyelashes are the last to go...  And as of last week, my eyebrows are completely gone.  My eyelashes are pretty sparse right now as well...
Now, if you look carefully, you can see little tiny wispys of hair!  So, that's kind of exciting, don't you think!

Ok--well, it's Sunday night, and the laundry is still yet to be done, and the house needs a little straightening up before the week begins!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I am feeling better and better every day.  My chemo days are slowly getting farther and farther away, and that makes me so happy.  My fingers and feet are still pretty numb and tingly, but I have faith that that will slowly fade as well.

As many of you know, the October issue of Lake Norman Woman magazine came out, and although I knew I was going to be in the magazine, I had ZERO idea that I would be on the cover!!


Dane was the first to spot it on the news rack as we were leaving dinner at Casa Garcia!  It was quite a shock!!  Needless to say, Dane was on the phone with literally everyone in his contact list!  Jake and Emma thought it was pretty darn exciting.  They think I'm famous now!  I tried to tell them that I'm not really famous...and it didn't really help that I was asked by at least 15 people for an autographed copy of the magazine!  Anyway, here's a link to the magazine--I'm on page 33 for those who haven't seen the magazine yet!

As a side comment, my sister said, "Jen, do you realize that you're on the cover of a magazine because of your BOOBS?"  I busted out laughing and then told her it wasn't that kind of magazine!

So today I met with my plastic surgeon to talk about the tissue expander replacement surgery.  I was very excited to hear that he thinks that he may be able to just go ahead and put in the implants.  He said he would like to try that, and if, during surgery, he doesn't think it will work, he will just replace the tissue exander as originally planned.  So for all my prayer warriors...pray for stretchy, cooperative skin!  Seriously!  I would love to have one less surgery.  I would love to basically be done with all this before the new year!!

On Thursday, I have an appointment with my oncologist.  We're going to be talking about "what's next" as well...  I have to do some sort of hormone therapy, since I am pre-menopausal, and estrogen helped "grow" my tumor.  I think he's thinking some sort of monthly injection that basically shuts my ovaries down...  Honestly, if that's the case, I almost wonder if it would just be better to remove my ovaries entirely.  So, I guess that's what we'll be talking about on Thursday.  Doesn't that sound like fun!?!

Finally, as many of you know, one of our students at our school was diagnosed with lymphoma today.  Although the prognosis is excellent, it really sucks.  My head is swirling with all kinds of emotions.  Emma and I went to visit her in the hospital today, and I have to say, that she looks amazing.  I know that she is going to be even stronger and more confident when she gets through this than she is right now.  Her family is also going to be much stronger and closer together because of this.
...and now there are two families that will be glad to see 2015 get outta here.

Well, I can't end a blog post like this...  so how about a joke?

Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the “P” is silent.

Ok... Now I can go to bed!  Good night all!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Chemo is officially over!

After a little over 3 months, I have finally completed all 8 rounds of chemo.  I'm not gonna lie, it's been tougher than I was really ready for.  It was so different from the first time I had to do all this.  But it doesn't matter anymore, because it's behind me!  And I got this pretty awesome certificate to boot!

So right now, Dane is at the Panther's game, and the kids are hanging out with friends for the day.  I am resting on the couch, watching Friends and going in and out of a nap.  I'm feeling ok--exhausted but not really in pain right now.  I'm hoping that the pain just doesn't come this last time around.  I am not going to work on Monday.  I'm going to give myself one more day to get my strength back. what?  Well, in 2 weeks, I meet with both my oncologist and plastic surgeon again.  With my oncologist, we will be talking about what type of hormone therapy I will need to do.  With my plastic surgeon, we need to talk about when we are going to be able to replace the busted tissue expander.

So there's still a lot to do, but honestly, I think that the worst is behind me.

I thank you all for all of your thoughts, prayers, and support!  I love you all!


Friday, September 18, 2015


I've written this post several times today, but I just can't get the wording right...  Don't you hate when that happens??  I'll try again.  Let's see how it goes...

So I've finished the 7th round of chemo.  It was ok, I guess.  Saturday evening and Sunday was pretty tough--again, lots of pain in my legs and ankles, and numbness in my feet and hands.  Monday morning I went to work, only to get a sub after about 10 minutes of homeroom.  I just didn't have the energy and was still pretty achy.  I went home and slept until about 1:30...and then I had to go back to the dentist for my dang tooth...part 1 of my root canal.

The dentist went well--although I was in tears for much of the 30 minutes I was there.  I was in tears not because I was in a lot of pain, but because I was truly just at the end of my rope.  I hate to whine, but it really just doesn't seem fair that I have to deal with cancer AND a root canal.  The poor hygienist felt so bad for me.  At the end of the appointment, she told me that I may be sore and that they had a prescription for pain meds if I needed it.  Guess what.  I NEEDED it!!  Wow!  Around 6 or 7 pm, my mouth was in serious pain.  So much pain, in fact, that I completely forgot about my leg pain.  Go figure.

Every day since then I have felt better and better--both my lower body AND my mouth!  My energy is continuing to improve every day.  I have 1 more week to go before my LAST chemo treatment.  I'm not sure if I've told you, but I. CANNOT WAIT. for my last treatment!  Although, really, it's more like I cannot wait to feel better AFTER my last treatment!!

As I get closer and closer to this last treatment, I need to take a minute to thank Dane for being such an amazing husband and caretaker.  Seriously, when I am not feeling up to it, he completely takes care of EVERYTHING.  In fact, if I'm being honest, he takes care of a lot even when I'm feeling just fine!

In my Cancer Survivor's group, we talked this last Thursday about caretakers and how emotionally draining and stressful it can be.  Caretakers are truly unsung heroes.  Everyone always asks about the sick one, but much less often people ask about the caretaker is doing.  I found out in my group that November is National Caretaker's month.  I had no idea that there was such a thing, but I'm so glad that there is!

So, I'm still not completely happy with this post...but it's gonna have to do.

Love you guys!