Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Slowly Getting Back To Normal

Well, I've pretty much gotten used to having only 1 boob.  I have only used the prosthetic a couple of times since the expander was removed.  It really just became a bit of a nuisance...sometimes I would look down, and it would have migrated out of my bra and into the middle of my chest!  Just too weird.  I also found a few tops that camouflage the missing boob quite well, so that helps.  March 11th, I will be having surgery again--this time to put the tissue expander back in.

I made an appointment with a new ob/gyn to talk about a hysterectomy or just removing my ovaries. I decided that I wasn't really comfortable with my other (and also relatively new to me) obgyn.  Do I really want a doctor who says it's ok to have a hysterectomy less than 2 weeks after reconstruction surgery?  I mean, if I hadn't told my plastic surgeon about it, I would have gone through with it, and the infection I got could have been much more of a problem.  Also, after talking with my oncologist, he said that a hysterectomy isn't necessary...just remove the ovaries.  So, with two other doctors telling me the opposite of what my obgyn was saying, I decided that it was time to find a new one...  So that appointment is at the end of this month.

In other news, I have an appointment with a GI doc...  I have a colonoscopy in my future, I believe.  Not looking forward to that!

My hair is now long enough that people are complimenting my "hair cut".  I don't correct them when they say that...I've been working hard on just saying "Thank you" when people pay me a compliment.  What this means, though, is that I feel that it is super important for me to wear a little makeup and some earrings so that I look a little feminine.  This is tricky for me because makeup and jewelry are not my strengths!

The thing is, though, that although I am definitely on the mend, and I am looking more and more like my old self, my brain is still trying to wrap itself around the fact that I'm a two-time cancer beater.  It scares me.  I think about it every day, without fail.  I worry about the future, even though my doctors have given me no inclination that I should be worried.  Once you have had cancer, you never are able to completely get past it.  Cancer has changed me...both times I had it.  Ever since my first diagnosis on January 3, 2008, thoughts about cancer enter my mind.  It makes me a little crazy sometimes.  So, even though I look like I'm past the whole cancer experience, just know that I'm not, and I'll likely never completely be past it.

One thing that I've been doing lately, compliments of my Christmas present from Dane, is reviving my pottery hobby!  I am taking classes at Pottery Central in Charlotte, and I am absolutely loving it!  So far I have made 10 pretty nice pots, 5 of which have been glazed and should go back into the kiln this week!  I am truly loving it, and I look forward to my Wednesday nights every week!  I'll post some pictures when they come out!

Thanks for listening, and truly being there for me and my family.  You all make it so much better!